Alchemy was a philosophical and proto-scientific tradition practiced throughout Europe, Africa and Asia. It aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects. An alchemist’s work was guided by Hermetic (cult) principles related to magic, mythology, and religion; focusing on both the practical and spiritual in search of a universal truth that transcended religion. The Magnum Opus (Great Work) was the quest for the Philosopher’s Stone, the elusive key that would unlock the universe, facilitate the transformation of a base metal into gold, and extend life forever. Although alchemy is the medieval forerunner of chemistry and is responsible for a number of scientific principles still used today, it is relegated to the same category as witchcraft and sorcery. In other words it is obsolete – along with many other ideas that have managed to stick around.
Arthur C. Clarke famously stated that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. We consume wondrous devices and ignore the impacts of this accelerating change. Initially science gave humanity a sense of mastery over its environment, creating a malleable rather than immutable future. Today, a sense of disillusionment permeates society, as change accelerates, and inconvenient truths surround us. We see resistance to science when it contradicts firmly held and obsolete beliefs. We are surprised when it is twisted to the will of the corporation. We are exhausted by the rate of change. Alvin Toffler suggests that in order to resist the effects of future shock, humanity needs to understand and embrace transience.
Planned Obsolescence is a strategy that limits the useful life of a product, so that it will become obsolete after a certain period of time – utilized by corporations to increase long term sales, it is generally regarded as exploitative and wasteful. However, it is also a driving force behind accelerating scientific and technological advances. Rapid societal change through technology is generally regarded as a positive force – when problems arise the solution is more tech. We are on a capitalist quest for the ultimate technology, the answer to everything, the Magnum Opus – but in many ways this quest is a naive as the alchemists. The objects and videos in this show are representations of technology, algorithmic deities promising a better life – solutions to uncertain problems. Technology imbued with mystical and esoteric properties. Spiritual beliefs manifested in consumer goods that can be replaced by newer models.